About Emenos System
The Emenos system is a combination of TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game) and TTWG (Table Top Wargaming) where the main focus lies in customization and allowing the telling of all kinds of stories.
Unlike most TTRPG’s the Emenos System does not take place in any kind of setting. It provides options and the customization of those options to allow playing in multiple different settings. Especially those settings which do not follow a specific genre and is a mix of two or more.
It also allows for many different types of gameplay, trying to provide enough options for an oldschool dungeon crawl, political intrigue, rebelious uprising, playing in historical events, detective work, monster hunting, just adventuring and much more. The focus lies on the character so even in large wars and pitched battles, as provided by the TTWG aspect of the system, the character can have influence over it. If that is on or off the battle field.
Because of the many options provided, it also can be used as an inspiration for worldbuilding.
How to Access the System
The system is not yet available to be played. I am running playtests to improve and fix it, but until it can be released there is a long way ahead.
In the end the system is supposed to be accessible physically through 2 main books: Players Guide to Play, the main source for players. And the Gamemaster’s Sourcebook, a source for Gamemasters to build their own games, campaigns and oneshots.
It is also supposed to be digitally available via a website, where many digital tools should be accessible to use the many customization options, especially the crafting of equipment and vehicles. Which is still possible in the physical copies, but somewhat automated for the digital version.
The digital platform is also supposed to be a place to share one’s creation, setting books and ideas.
Players Guide to Play
The Players Guide to Play or PGP for short, is the main source for a player to play the game. It currently sits at around 240 Pages and 104’000 Words, as of 13.06.2023. While it is large, contains a lot of information, and due to it not yet being finished might get even larger. It was important to me that all fundamental options for character creation and player options are provided in the same book and not split into several.
The system currently has 13 Chapters where important information is provided.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 is introducing the reader to the system, it explains what the book is useful for and how to best use it. It includes an explanation how to go about creating a character and the step by step process.
Chapter 2 How to play
Chapter 2 is all about how the game is played, how checks are made, what abilities and skills are, what saving throws are etc. It provides examples for actions, how movement is resolved, such as climbing or swimming. How Adventuring works and other important aspects of simply playing the game.
Chapter 3 Combat Mechanics
Chapter 3 explains the combat to the reader. What are the different aspects of it, such as Initiative, Armour Class, Hit Points, Attacks, etc. It also explains actions one can take to trip, push, grapple, injure and enemy or help, and defend an ally. It explains the rounds of combat, what damage is and what types there are and what conditions do.
Chapter 4 Time Periods
Chapter 4 explains the first important categorization of the system. The Time Periods. This categorization allows the GM’s to more easily define which equipment, classes, backgrounds etc. would be available to pick based on the technology of the setting the game takes place in.
Chapter 5 Cultures
Chapter 5 is about cultures. Cultures are intentionally separate from the species, they define much more the behavior, customs, holidays, and morale. Each culture is known for a specific set of skills, of which the player can choose one to add to their character. Additionally, language is also provided by the culture. Some cultures may have different languages, but which are part of the same language family.
Chapter 6 Species
Chapter 6 presents a myriad of different species most often found in fantasy or sci fi. Any setting specific species or lore behind their existente is not present. This is something that will be unique to every GM’s setting. Species mainly present physical differences such as different abilities, horns, tails, scales, fur, darkvision, stronger, agility, etc.
Simple hair, skin or eye colour differences, or the shape of the horns or tail will only be ethnical differences but do not result in a separate species.
Chapter 7 Classes
Chapter 7 presents the second set of important categorization, the classes. While I present classes in the system, they are not entirely needed to be presented this way. I found it more intriguing and easier to navigate and categorize certain features. Generally it is a more open class system, where most of the features can be picked from any other class, as long as requirements are met.
I have 17 Classes, which all have unique abilities and features which only they have access to. They can be differentiated into Spellcasters, Martial and Battlefield Support. You can mix and match between these of course.
Chapter 8 Backgrounds
Chapter 8 provides options for a characters backstory and what they have done and how they lived before the start of a campaign. Backgrounds provide equipment and other skills, but most importantly they provide roleplay important features and professions for the character. These allow the character to achieve certain goals or checks easier because of their backstories influence.
Chapter 9 Equipment
Chapter 9 is all about equipment. Weapons, shields, armour, potions, bombs, traps, and more. Not only is a list of available equipment provided for the player, it also includes a crafting system which allows you to make these yourself. Either before the game, by the GM or by the player during the game. They can be made in different qualities and could be damaged. This allows players to find Legendary weaponry which is heavily damaged early on in the game and they can spend the time to repair it.
Chapter 10 Vehicle
Chapter 10, similar to chapter 9, provides lists and crafting for vehicles. Depending on the time period vehicles will have a more prevalent role. During ancient times only artillery pieces and carts might have an importance, while in modern times and future times a wide variety of vehicle will be available. Such as:
Ground vehicles, Railed Vehicles, Walkers, Hover Vehicles, Aircraft, Ships, and space craft. These all have their own subcategories, like aircraft having, balloons, blimps, planes, and helicopters.
Chapter 11 Gods and Planes
Chapter 11 provides options for different planes of existence and how a game with gods or deities would function. Since not every setting has these available, these are optional options as well. In this chapters it is explained how relations between a player and a god could be and what gods could provide in return for the players service. Planes on the other hand are different realities and existences. They can be totally different dimensions either connected or decoupled from the main reality. Can have their own physical rules and passing of time in comparison to the normal reality.
Chapter 12 Magic
Chapter 12 mainly provides a brief explanation of how magic could function in a setting and then lists a number of spells which are all categorized in different magic types. Once again these magic types mainly function as a way to group certain spells of a similar kind together. This can help the GM to better organize NPC’s and the like, but can also be ignored or changed entirely.
Chapter 13 Creatures
Chapter 13 provides a list of standard creatures and beasts, which a player could have as a familiar or pet, or something they can ride.